Last weekend I had a quick getaway with some family up in Mendocino County, which is about three hours - and a world away - from San Francisco. My husband and I have visited the area before (wrote about it
here) and each time we head up, we get to see a little more of the area. Here are some photos...
We stay with cousins who have a bunch of farm animals: chickens, pigs, goats... maybe some others that I don't even see. The goats mostly ignore you unless they think you have food for them, then they'll press against the gates and keep sticking their tongues out (FYI goats
love salted peanuts).
Glass Beach |
The weekend mostly revolved around eating, drinking and socializing. It felt really good to catch up with my cousins and we traded stories and jokes constantly. When they realized I hadn't been to Glass Beach yet we went for a walk - it was mid-morning and still foggy, but in a peaceful and romantic way, not a creepy one. Apparently tourists take tons of glass pieces home with them, which we're not supposed to do. Once my cousins pointed out the sewer drains (not pictured) that used to empty out onto that beach, I decided I was fine staying on the walking path up top.
Little River's end |
When we headed out of town on Sunday afternoon we stopped along Highway 1 where Little River opens up to the ocean. I stuck my toes in, watched people setting up their kayaks, snapped some pics, and once again thanked the heavens I get to live (near) here.
Anderson Valley Brewing Company |
We also stopped in the town of Boonville and had a drink at the Anderson Valley Brewing Company. I was most familiar with their Boont Amber Ale but I got to try their Boubon Barrel Stout (below) and even bought a glass to take home, which I think will make a nice whiskey glass. We didn't have time for a brewery tour so that will have to wait for a future visit. I do admire the copper piping and the sun painting boasting about renewable energy. We walked through dusty downtown Boonville (which is like, 100 yards) to pick up lunch to eat in the car as we made our way back to the city.
Bourbon Barrel Stout |
So it's been pretty busy since we got back but I'm always glad when we get to go up there. Once we get past wine country traffic it is a peaceful and beautiful ride through redwood groves and along the coast. It's pretty nice to have family nearby who are always so welcoming, and it's nice to see another beautiful area of the state.