Saturday, March 11, 2017


While I've been able to travel abroad a couple times in the last few years, I've had many more local adventures checking out what the Bay Area has to offer. There are still times I feel like I'm on vacation, even though I've lived here almost five years. I suppose it's a combination of being in a lively city, and having the surroundings that just beg for a hike, or a trip to wine country, or whatever. I would still like to keep traveling the globe, but the world close to home isn't bad to check out, either.

I came across the term "microadventures" in a recent article on simplicity and instantly loved it. That outing last weekend (finally) to the museum across town that I'd been meaning to go to? A microadventure, just a couple hours' worth of appreciating art I could never create myself. (Bonus part was meeting up with friends there.) Bringing my brother to the pop-up dinner that a friend had introduced me to a few weeks earlier? A delicious microadventure. A quiet walk through a different neighborhood with coffee on a sunny morning? An eye-opening microadventure. Not all adventures are farflung or require time off work; they can be had in discrete amounts of time and location.