Monday, February 17, 2014

I. love. this. dress.

One of the first times I remember that my mother and I agreed on fashion concerned Diane Von Furstenberg. I was working at the flagship Bloomingdale’s store in NYC in ‘04 and she was speaking at a special event on my floor (this was as she was re-establishing her fashion line). My mom said something like “wow she was really popular when I was growing up, and I just really liked her clothes” and I realized I was my mother’s daughter.

In 2010 I heard the designer speak again, this time in DC at Georgetown University, where I had just entered grad school. She talked about business, philanthropy and women’s empowerment, all of which were nicely woven with tales from her personal experience. My favorite story was some businessman on an early a.m. flight hitting on her, not realizing her picture was in that morning’s Wall Street Journal that he was carrying.

10 years after I first heard the lady speak, I’ve got some DVF dresses and I’m hoping one day to pass them on to a daughter who will appreciate her mama’s & grandmama’s styles.

Thursday, February 13, 2014


New life goal: learn how to make a bacon bouquet.

The best table centerpiece I’ve seen was at a wedding where each table had bacon wrapped like this, in planters full of herbs. It was the best thing ever when someone looked closely and discovered they could eat the centerpiece.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Cheating on My Juice Cleanse

Over the holidays, I was traveling, staying with family and friends and doing almost no grocery shopping. I basically ate whatever was put in front of me. So when I got back home I signed up for a juice cleanse from a local juice place using an online coupon. They delivered a heavy box with three days’ worth of a liquid diet along with some of their raw/organic snacks, which were meant to be eaten after you completed said cleanse. I tried to be good with my prepping and had no caffeine or meat the day before the cleanse.

Day 1 of the cleanse - I didn’t even last until lunch time. Please note I like to have big breakfasts. The first (out of a daily 6) juice tasted good, but I just did not like #2, and more important, my mouth and stomach REALLY missed solid food. So I cheated in a small way and had carrot sticks and some almonds. I didn’t even finish juice #2 and instead went on to #3, which tasted much better.  I went out but kept a bag of carrot sticks on me to snack on when I felt hungry. Then evening came,and I was invited to meet some friends at a bar. You might think I just totally gave into temptation but I drank only water, and I ordered salad (it was really pickled vegetables, at a German place, but it was the healthiest thing I could find). I still had juice #5 but didn’t end up having juice #6, which was supposed to be a “dessert.”

Day 2 - Super Bowl Sunday! I pretty much set myself up for failure here, but maybe I just didn’t care. Again I skipped the juice I straight up disliked. I accepted an invite to brunch at a friend’s house and totally gave into eating solid, non-veggie food. I was planning on just having her sweet potato mash (even though she warned me it had a ton of butter in it) and salad, but I also ended up with quiche, bacon, and a chocolate croissant. I didn’t even feel sick afterward. And then I went to a Super Bowl party and grazed on the snacks, even having 2 chicken wings (I’m such a rebel). I started on the raw/organic snacks that came with the cleanse and shared them with my husband.

Day 3 - The last morning was pretty easy, sadly I guess you can get used to starving. I think I did have a bag of nuts or maybe more carrots, though. I had salad for lunch (along with juice), then more of my healthy snacks in the afternoon. But by the time I came home from work I was over it. I asked my husband what he was thinking for dinner and he said he’d taken pizza dough out of the freezer. Done. I probably could have ended on a higher note than pizza but, convenience.

The rest of the week, I kept having more salads (something I had not been doing enough of recently) and didn’t eat meat or have any alcohol for a couple more days. Don’t recall having much cheese, either. I realized when I signed up for the cleanse I was thinking I’d use it as a heavy duty detox, but realistically it just helped me jump-start the healthier eating again. Would I do it again? Probably not. I do like juices but I hate the thought of replacing every meal with them. Me and juice cleanses I guess were not meant to be. 

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Saturday, February 1, 2014