I’m going on a 2-week trip to Colombia in early December. I only have a PDF travel guide from ‘09 (which was outdated when I first traveled there in 2011), so I went to 2 different independent bookstores in San Francisco and checked out their travel guide shelves.
There were no books available on Colombia. Central America, yes, Costa Rica, yes, even Cuba. But not good ol’ Colombia. I looked online, and the latest Lonely Planet edition was around ~$20 (still $17 for a used copy) and the reviews weren’t great. I joked to a friend, I think I need to write a travel guide for this place. And they said, you should; just blog about it.
Granted the ‘guide’ will be just one point of view, but we really should have more resources on Colombia. So tumblr is where I’ll record what I’ve pieced together in planning this trip, and while there. Enjoy.